Novedades del derecho y las leyes argentinas para el ciudadano

Sobre Derecho En Zapatillas y contacto

Página web del programa de radio y medios digitales El Taller Legal – Derecho en Zapatillas

Acercar el Derecho a la gente.  Derecho En Zapatillas es un programa de radio, y otros medios con temas de actualidad y otros fuera de agenda, para buscarle una vuelta al derecho a favor del ciudadano y alentar la mejora a través de la participación. También se propone una mirada crítica y distinta de la realidad incluyendo, claro, el funcionamiento del derecho argentino, con actitud rock.

Derecho En Zapatillas es un emprendimiento que no recibe pauta oficial. La visión crítica del sistema legal (con respeto y según pautas de FOPEA) y la independencia están entre los valores fundamentales. Derecho En Zapatillas no patrocina casos ni denuncias contra empresas o Estados, ni es un canal de quejas contra empresas. Sí propone compartir información útil y práctica así como alertar y llamar la atención sobre distintos temas.

Novedades del derecho y las leyes argentina, nacionales y locales, ciencia, cultura libre, música independiente, medio ambiente, ciclismo y expresiones culturales forman parte del programa, junto con invitados y columnistas. Un taller legal y cultural para ser un poco más felices (que todavía está permitido…).

Derechos accesibles para quien lo necesite -sin distinciones- y que aprenderlos puede ser útil y divertido. Que el derecho sea conocido para que sirva de herramienta, y que esa herramienta sea usada con buenos fines, con pleno respeto a los derechos humanos.

En twitter @dzapatillas. También hay página de facebook.


About Derecho En Zapatillas


New times, new media
The expertise of Derecho En Zapatillas in citizens’ experiences and claims gives an original  perspective, distinctive among the generalistic sites.
Derecho En Zapatillas aims at raising global awareness, promoting media literacy and empowering citizens to exercise their rights  by producing trustworthy information on laws and dispositions with impact in everyday life in Argentina.
Since 2011, the site is well known for producing trustworthy information for general audiences and journalists, who have the chance of accessing specialized analysis on law topics and consumer orientation, with an educational approach.

Derecho En Zapatillas started as a radio program and a social media user in 2011 to become a digital media in 2014 and it is still one of its kind.

With over 270 thousand Twitter followers and many others across the different media chanels, Derecho En Zapatillas has a wide social impact connecting the community with simple answers and information.

Why Derecho en Zapatillas?

In times of emergency, when civic rights and peaceful living among neighbours may be under threat, independent reporting that provides information, investigation, analysis, and community knowledge, is more necessary than ever.

Citizens need education in human rights, including their scope and reasonable limitations, and legal guidance and asking for public information. Particularly in the coverage of local affairs, and among local topics (for example condominum or neigbhours question).

Derecho En Zapatillas is widely recognized as a sort of pro bono legal advisory giving public answers to personal questions about different cases. Per day, the Derecho En Zapatillas Twitter account receives hundreds of questions and requests, a great bulk of them are answered. However, more resources are needed to increase this percentage.

From time to time, users share their succesffull experience, that can be checked under this hashtag #ContáComoFue (tell us how it went) in Twitter

When people are well informed, they have valuable tools to deal with any crisis. As a result, civic participation on public decisions to build a more robust democracy is enhanced.

Derecho En Zapatillas believes in media literacy as a keystone of the informed society to enforce fundamental human rights. In this aim, valuable content with verifiable data can help people to understand the context and its rules in order to improve the quality of public information.

Since law covers a wide spectrum, topics vary. From consumer rights, basic civil rights, free speech, copyright, entrepreneurship and corporate law, labor law, and health access (click this link to see an example).

In the current context of a global pandemic, legal changes are occurring rapidly. National and local administrations issue new dispositions everyday.

The thousands of questions raised by Derecho en Zapatillas’ followers in multiple platforms show that the actual meaning and consequences of such dispositions are not always accessible or clear to the public. More than ever, society needs clear orientation in rights and duties. As an example, you may  see this post

Derecho En Zapatillas does not only focus on law but also addresses related topics such as science. Actually there is a special dedicated section called Ciencia En Zapatillas (Science in Snickers). In order to expand this Section, which is in force because of alliances with many scholars, resources are needed.

A website with a purpose

The main feature of Derecho En Zapatillas is its engagement with audiences and their daily life problems, like consumers rights, basic civil rights and all the spectrum of constitutional rights.
The interaction is based on honest listening and reported to the everyday claims which are turned in news, previous fact checking, for everyone using legal and technical knowledge and practical solutions.
As a small media platform, Derecho En Zapatillas is efficient throughout its many channels. Despite not having full-time workers, Derecho En Zapatillas resorts to many collaborators of cross disciplines. 

This provides the organization with high readership and versatility, for a small and agile team. As public service journalism is understood, free access to the content is mandatory.

Derecho En Zapatillas produces information for the strengthening of citizens’ rights through news that improves the quality of civic life and citizen participation.

The site develops journalism focused on solutions to the problems of everyday life by sharing information of the legal system and scientific advances, always in comparison with relevant cases in other contexts.



Derecho en Zapatillas in facts

On average, Derecho En Zapatillas posts two full articles per day. And hundreds of informative tweets every week. Participatory sessions are held via Instagram live and on the weekly radio section.

In April 2020, Derecho En Zapatillas Twitter had over 20.9 millions tweet impressions, and 17.8 thousand mentions. The average per month is around 20 million impressions on Twitter and over 100 thousand visitors to the website.

Derecho En Zapatillas has also appeared in various prestigious media sites. You can google the organization but in case you need:

That also displays that Derecho En Zapatillas is consulted by many other media organizations, in order to acquire technical legal knowledge and other relevant information.

Por Sergio Mohadeb





Derecho En Zapatillas, un emprendimiento de Sergio Mohadeb, abogado




Más todos los twitteros y twitteras, oyentes, blogueros y participantes que aportan temas, debates, información y demás. Con un agradecimiento especial a los invitad@s y colaboradores que día a día contribuyen.

Derecho En Zapatillas no es auspiciado ni financiado por pauta oficial.  Críticas, comentarios, sugerencias, medialunas y demás son bienvenidas.

Muchas gracias.

Sergio Mohadeb. Titular y director.

(me recibí de abogado en UBA, soy docente de esa facultad, hice la orientación laboral y le dedico un buen tiempo a derecho administrativo e impuestos, participo en distintos programas de radio que voy anunciando en la cuenta de Twitter).

Pizarrón de agradecimientos, comentarios y demás